
Showing posts from November, 2020

Our home is sick. Actual #vanlife

When you’re forced to live in a van, the sensible thing to do is surely to buy a nice, new and dependable van that won’t let you down. When we were forced to live in a van, we bought a 15 year old Honda Odyssey that’s had 8 previous owners. Based on little more than the exterior paintwork, we thought it’d serve us well. Sadly, shortly after we bought it, it stopped reliably starting. We had a problem with our ignition. Apparently, we needed the services of – of all professions – a locksmith. I took our home to a locksmith, who said the problem would be simple enough to fix. The locksmith reckoned he could have everything sorted in a couple of hours. That seemed reasonable. So I left it with him and went to steal some electricity from a coffee shop. Three hours later, after no news, I headed back to the locksmith's. The locksmith was sitting behind a computer with what looked like a crucial part of my Honda next to him. I’m far from an expert in these matters. But my house d